Penyet Chicken Recipe

Penyet Chicken Recipe
Penyet Chicken
Still on Chicken Recipes, after yesterday talk about Spicy chicken recipe , now still on chicken recipes with one of chicken-based dish. Penyet chicken is a food from the region of Java. Chicken with spicy taste penyet highly favored by lovers of spicy even less like spicy though. Distinctive taste does make the audience hooked. In this article I will explain how to make Penyet chicken with ingredients that exist in my country (Indonesia). So if you feel weird on my ingredients I mentioned please adjust the ingredients with your usually use for cooking. Let's look at the ingredients :

  1. 2 cm ginger, crushed
  2. 1 bay leaf sheet
  3. One chicken and cut into four pieces
  4. 200 ml water
  5. Taste cooking oil to be used for frying
Crushed Ingredients:
  1. Turmeric 1 cm
  2. 4 cloves garlic
  3. 1 tablespoon coriander
  4. Salt to taste
Sauce for Penyet:
  1. Shrimp paste 1/2 tablespoon, then burned
  2. Lime leaves 2 sheets, then dumped the trunk leaves
  3. 7 pieces of curly red chilies
  4. 7 pieces of red chili
  5. Salt to taste
  6. 2 sprigs basil leaves then grab
  7. Red tomatoes 1/2 pieces
  8. Sugar 1/2 tablespoon (then slice the brown sugar)
How to Make Penyet chicken:
  1. Spices mixed with mashed ginger, bay leaves, water, and ginger. Then cook using a small fire and then closed up the chicken and marinade seep ripen. Then lift.
  2. Fried chicken in until the color becomes yellow. Then lift, and set aside.
  3. All sauce ingredients mashed, then add the basil leaves, roughly tumbuklah next.
  4. Included fried chicken, and pressed-press (penyet) by pestle and mortar to be sticking with the meat sauce. 
  5. Traditional Recipes Penyet Chicken ready to serve.
How about this Penyet chicken recipe? I apologize if my english is bad. If you've managed to make it do not forget to share with your friends. Happy cooking. 
source: resepcaramembuat

Spicy chicken recipe

Spicy chicken
Spicy chicken
Still on Chicken Recipes, after yesterday talk about Fried Chicken Kremes Recipe , now still on chicken recipes with one of chicken-based dish. Spicy chicken is food fit for people who like spicy. In this article I will explain how to make Spicy chicken with ingredients that exist in my country (Indonesia). So if you feel weird on my ingredients I mentioned please adjust the ingredients with your usually use for cooking. Let's look at the ingredients :

  1. 500 g chicken, cut into pieces
  2. 100 g flour
  3. Oil for frying
Ingredients for spicy seasoning:
  1. 7 red onions, puree
  2. 5 cloves garlic, mashed
  3. 9 pieces of red chilli, mashed
  4. 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  5. 2 tablespoons sugar
  6. 3 cm galangal, crushed
  7. 2 stems lemongrass, crushed
  8. 1 tablespoon fine salt
How to Make Spicy chicken:
  1. Season the chicken pieces with salt, mix well. Roll the chicken in the flour until the flour covered surface of the chicken.
  2. Heat oil, fry the chicken pieces until cooked and golden browned. Remove and drain.
  3. Heat 5 tablespoons oil in a skillet. Saute onion, garlic, red pepper, lemon grass, galangal, lime juice, sugar and salt until fragrant.
  4. Enter the chicken pieces and cook, stirring until the spices to infuse and mature. Lift. Pour into a serving dish. Serve. 

How about this Spicy chicken recipe? I apologize if my english is bad. If you've managed to make it do not forget to share with your friends. Happy cooking.

source: resepmasakankuliner

Fried Chicken Kremes Recipe

Fried Chicken Kremes
Fried Chicken Kremes
Still on Chicken Recipes, after yesterday talk about Banana Chicken Rice Wrap Recipe , now still on chicken recipes with one of chicken-based dish. Fried Chicken Kremes is a indonesian traditional food, because many are sold at food stalls. In this article I will explain how to make Fried Chicken Kremes with materials that exist in my country (Indonesia). So if you feel weird on my ingredients I mentioned please adjust the ingredients with your usually use for cooking. Let's look at the ingredients :

  1. One chicken that have been cut into pieces and washed
  2. 2 cloves of garlic and crushed to smear chicken
  3. 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  4. Oil for frying or menumiskan
  5. 6 hazelnut
  6. 2 pieces of turmeric
  7. 2 cloves garlic for sauteing
  8. 5 toasted pecans
  9. 3 pieces galangal, each 3cm
  10. 1 stem lemongrass
  11. Sheet 2 bay leaves
  12. 200lt of water
  13. Cooking oil
How to Make Fried Chicken Kremes:
  1. Marinate chicken already cut earlier with salt and garlic
  2. Then input into the refrigerator at least 1 hour
  3. Once inserted into the refrigerator for 1 hour remove, and let stand for 10 minutes
  4. Sauté pecans cooking ingredients, turmeric, garlic, lemongrass, galangal and bay leaves until fragrant and ripe wait
  5. Put in the chicken and let stand had given water
  6. Cover chicken until the chicken is tender look
  7. Once the chicken is tender chicken on top shelf and drain pans
  8. Heat the oil into the pan, wait until it is really hot
  9. Then enter the chicken into the pan of hot oil that has been found
  10. Fry chicken until cooked and lift yellowish brown then drain
  11. After all that is done in the chicken fried, and now the rest of the seasoning the chicken fried until crispy Kremes. 
  12. Lift kremesan then drain the oil to disappea.
  13. Serve with fried chicken on his Kremesan.
How about this Fried Chicken Kremes Recipe? I apologize if my english is bad. If you've managed to make it do not forget to share with your friends. Happy cooking.

source: resepmasakantradisional 

Banana Chicken Rice Wrap Recipe

Banana Chicken Rice Wrap
Banana Chicken Rice Wrap
Still on Chicken Recipes, after yesterday talk about Fried Chicken Butter Recipe , now still on chicken recipes with one of chicken-based dish. Banana Chicken Rice Wrap is a special food chicken and rice wrapped in banana leaves. In this article I will explain Banana Chicken Rice Wrap Recipe with materials that exist in my country (Indonesia). So if you feel weird on my ingredients I mentioned please adjust the ingredients with your usually use for cooking. Let's look at the ingredients:

  1. 200 grams of rice
  2. 150 grams of minced chicken
  3. 1/2 clove onion leeks,
  4. 1/2 celery and finely chopped,
  5. 5-6 finely chopped bananas, remove the contents
  6. coconut oil for sauteing
Some spices are mashed:
  1. 1/2 tsp coriander
  2. 1/4 teaspoon cumin 
  3. 3 cloves garlic 
  4. 1 tsp salt
How to Make Banana Chicken Rice Wrap:
  1. Cook the rice with coconut water until half cooked. Remove and set aside.
  2. Saute the spice paste until fragrant and color changes. Add onion and saute again.
  3. Add chicken, green onions and celery. Mix well and stir-fry until half-cooked chicken. Lift.
  4. Prepare the banana peel, the skin content of parboiled rice and chicken that has been fried. Trim the peel and seal with using threads.
  5. Steamed rice wrapped in banana peel is about 30 minutes. Remove and serve while warm.
How about this Banana Chicken Rice Wrap Recipe? I apologize if my english is bad. If you've managed to make it do not forget to share with your friends. Happy cooking.

source: vemale

Fried Chicken Butter Recipe

Fried Chicken Butter
Fried Chicken Butter

Still on Chicken Recipes, after yesterday talk about Paniki chicken Recipe , now still on chicken recipe with one of chicken-based dish. Fried Chicken Butter is a special chicken with pleasure combined with the fragrance of butter chicken. In this article I will explain Fried Chicken Butter Recipe with materials that exist in my country (Indonesia). So if you feel weird on my ingredients I mentioned please adjust the ingredients with your usually use for cooking. Let's look at the ingredients :

  1. 1 kg chicken wings, cut the tip of a small
  2. 4 tablespoons margarine
  3. 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  4. 3 tablespoons of soy sauce
  5. 3 tablespoons of sauce english
  6. 3 tablespoons of soy sauce
  7. salt to taste
  8. 1 leek
  9. 2 pieces of lime
Some spices are mashed:
  1. 2 tsp minced ginger
  2. 4 cloves of garlic
  3. 1/2 tsp pepper
  4. 1/2 tsp salt
How to Make Fried Chicken Butter:
  1. Mix together: chicken and spices, let stand 30 minutes. 
  2. Fried chicken until dry and browned, set aside.
  3.  Heat margarine, saute garlic until fragrant.
  4. Add the remaining ingredients except the lemon juice and chives.
  5. After a thick sauce, put the chicken and stir well.
  6. Enter the leeks.
  7. Before serving, put lemon juice. 
How about this Fried Chicken Butter Recipe? I apologize if my english is bad. If you've managed to make it do not forget to share with your friends. Happy cooking. 

source : resepnugraha

Paniki Chicken Recipe

Paniki Chicken
Paniki Chicken
Still on Chicken Recipes, after yesterday talk about Yellow spice grilled chicken Recipe , now still on chicken recipe with one of chicken-based dish. Paniki chicken is a dish from Ternate- Maluku based Indonesia. In this article I will explain Paniki Chicken Recipe with materials that exist in my country (Indonesia). So if you feel weird on my ingredients I mentioned please adjust the ingredients with your usually use for cooking. Let's look at the ingredients and the way to make Paniki Chicken :

Material for Paniki Chicken:
  1. ½ chicken, cut into 4 pieces
  2. 1 tablespoon of salt
  3. ½ teaspoon of pepper
  4. ½ lemon, take the water of lemon
  5. 3 tablespoons oil for sauteing
Some seasoning are mashed:
  1. 6 red onions
  2. 5 cloves of garlic
  3. 10 pieces of curly red chili
  4. 1 cm turmeric
  5. 2 cm ginger
  6. ½ tablespoon salt
  7. 4 pieces of lime leaves
  8. 2 stems lemongrass, crushed
  9. 1 liter of coconut milk
How to make Paniki chicken:
  1. Coat chicken with salt, pepper, and lime juice. Saute ground spices until fragrant, put chicken. Cook until chicken changes color.
  2. Enter the lime leaves, lemongrass, and coconut milk. Cook until chicken is cooked and the milk thickens.
  3. Roasted / grilled chicken until browned. Serve topped with remaining seasoning.
How about this Paniki chicken Recipe? I apologize if my english is not good enough. If you've managed to make it do not forget to share with your friends. Enjoy cooking and look for another chicken recipes.
source: kitabmasakan

Yellow spice grilled chicken Recipe

Yellow spice grilled chicken Recipe
Yellow spice grilled chicken

Still on Chicken Recipe, after yesterday talk about Fried Chicken Kalasan Recipe , now still on chicken recipe with one of chicken-based dish. Yellow spice grilled chicken is a special chicken with natural yellow color of turmeric is by using basic ingredients. In this article I will explain Yellow spice grilled chicken Recipe with materials that exist in my country (Indonesia). So if you feel weird on my ingredients I mentioned please adjust the ingredients with your usually use for cooking.

Let's look at the ingredients and the way to make Yellow spice grilled chicken :
Material for Yellow spice grilled chicken:
  1. One chicken
  2. 4 pieces of lime leaves
  3. 2 stem of lemongrass
  4. ½ tablespoons of salt
  5. ½ tablespoons of sugar
  6. 200ml coconut milk
  7. Oil for frying to taste
Some seasoning are mashed:
  1. 7 grains of red onion
  2. 3 cloves of garlic
  3. 5 grains hazelnut, toasted
  4. 3 cm turmeric
  5. 2 cm ginger
  6. 2 tablespoons coriander
How to make Yellow spice grilled chicken:
  1. Heat oil and sauté the spices until fragrant. Add lemongrass and lime leaves, stir briefly. Add chicken, stirring until blended and chicken changes color.
  2. Pour the coconut milk, stirring occasionally, until chicken is cooked evenly and flavors mingle. Remove the chicken and separate from the remaining yellow spice.
  3. Roast chicken and occasionally smeared leftover yellow spice. Back and forth until browned chicken surface. Take away.
  4. Serve the grilled chicken with yellow seasoning while warm.
How about this Yellow spice grilled chicken Recipe? I apologize if my english is not good enough. If you've managed to make it do not forget to share with your friends. Enjoy cooking and look for another chicken recipes.

Fried Chicken Kalasan Recipe

Fried Chicken Kalasan Recipe
Fried Chicken Kalasan

Still on Chicken Recipes, after yesterday talk about Chicken Fried Rice Flour Recipe , now still on chicken recipe with one of chicken-based dish. Fried Chicken Kalasan is a unique dish from one holiday destination in Indonesia, the quite town, yogyakarta. At Yogyakarta this dish is one of unique dish. In this article I will explain Fried Chicken Kalasan Recipe with materials that exist in my country (Indonesia). So if you feel weird on my ingredients I mentioned please adjust the ingredients with your usually use for cooking.You can try to make it with this Fried Chicken Kalasan Recipe and taste yourself the delights of chicken.

Let's look at the ingredients and the way to make Fried Chicken Kalasan:

Material for Fried Chicken Kalasan:
  1. One medium chicken, wash and then cut into 2 pieces
  2. 500cc of coconut water 
  3. ½ tea spoon of baking soda
  4. 5 cloves garlic, and mashed
  5. Salt to taste
  6. Cooking oil to taste
  7. 2 tablespoons lemon
  8. 50g sugar
  9. 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  10. one bay leaf
Some seasoning are mashed:
  1. 8 grains of red onion
  2. 4 cloves garlic
  3. 1 cm galangal
  4. ½ tea spoon pepper granules
  5. 1 tea spoon salt
How to make Fried Chicken Kalasan:
  1. Marinate chicken with lemon and garlic until blended. Let stand for ± 1 hour.
  2. Boil coconut water with seasoning , bay leaves, sugar and soy sauce.
  3. Add chicken, and cook until chicken is tender and sauce run out. Remove and drain the chicken to cool.
  4. Fry in hot oil and lots of it to dry.
  5. Remove and serve warm.
How about this Fried Chicken Kalasan Recipe? I apologize if my english is bad. If you've managed to make it do not forget to share with your friends. Happy cooking.


Recipe Chicken Fried Rice Flour

Recipe Chicken Fried Rice Flour
Recipe Chicken Fried Rice Flour
Chicken Fried Rice Flour is one of chicken-based dishes. The difference in this recipe just add flour when frying chicken, this chicken recipe is very simple, i think everyone can make it easily. In this article I will explain Recipe Chicken Fried Rice Flour with materials that exist in my country (Indonesia). So if you feel weird on my ingredients I mentioned please adjust the ingredients with your usually use for cooking.

Let's look at the ingredients and the making way Chicken Fried Rice Flour:

Material for Chicken Fried Rice Flour:
  1. One chicken cut into 6 pieces
  2. 50 ml of water
  3. 50 gr of rice flour
  4. 200 gr of flour
  5. 1 tea spoon of baking powder
  6. Two eggs
  7. Oil to fry
Some seasoning are mashed:
  1. Three of cloves garlic
  2. 1 tea spoon of pepper
  3. 3cm of ginger
  4. ½ tea spoon of sugar    
  5. 1 tea spoon of salt
  6. And flavoring if you like it.
How to make Chicken Fried Rice Flour:
  1. Mix the chicken pieces with seasoning mashed and water, mix well, and pin-prick with a fork to allow the flavors to infuse. Let stand for 15 minutes, set aside.
  2. Marinate the chicken meat with rice flour, flour and baking powder until blended. Dip in egg, then enter again into the flour mixture.
  3. Fry in plenty of oil and heat. Lower the heat. Fry until the chicken is cooked and dry. Remove, drain and serve with chilli sauce or tomato sauce.

How about this article? I apologize if my english is bad. If you've managed to make it do not forget to share with your friends. Happy cooking.
